Moving Around

[1]##1 [Foobar] \labelwidth =
\leftmargin =
\labelsep =
\listparindent =

[C-A] Move to the beginning of the current line. Any argument is ignored. Always succeeds. [C-B] Move backwards character by character. The number of characters to move is specified by the argument. If no argument is given it moves backwards by 1 character. A newline counts as a single character. Fails if executed at the beginning of the buffer. [C-E] Move to the end of the current line. Any argument is ignored. Always succeeds. [C-F] Move forwards character by character. The number of characters to move is specified by the argument. If no argument is given it moves forwards by 1 character. A newline counts as a single character. Fails if executed at the end of the buffer. [C-N] Move forward by lines. Attempt to preserve the current horizontal position. The number of lines to move is specified by the argument. If no argument is given it moves by 1 line. Fails if executed at the end of the buffer. [C-P] Move backwards by lines. Attempt to preserve the current horizontal position. The number of lines to move is specified by the argument. If no argument is given it moves by 1 line. Fails if executed at the beginning of the buffer. [C-V] Move forward by pages. If an argument is given, it specifies the number of lines to move. If no argument is given, the size of the window less 2 lines (for overlap) is used. If the window is too small to allow 2 lines of overlap, it moves by 1 line. Dot is set to the first character of the first line on the new screen.

There is a compile time option that makes this command take an argument in screenfulls instead of lines. Look in ed.h for the gory details. [M-V] Move backwards by pages. If an argument is given, it specifies the number of lines to move. If no argument is given, the size of the window less 2 lines (for overlap) is used. If the window is too small to allow 2 lines of overlap, it moves by 1 line. Dot is set to the first character of the first line on the new screen.

There is a compile time option that makes this command take an argument in screenfulls instead of lines. Look in ed.h for the gory details. [M-<] Move to the beginning of the buffer. Any argument is ignored. Dot is set to the first character of the first line in the buffer. [M->] Move to the end of the buffer. Any argument is ignored. Dot is set to the first character in the fake line immediately after the buffer. The window is set to display dot near the center of the screen.